Identify Component

Identify Component
List: Alchemist
Cost: 3
Prereqs: Dissection
Skill Type: Arcane
Tagged: No
Purchase: Once
Duration: Constant

This skill allows a character to identify components and what race a character is. It takes 1 minute to use this skill.

This skill will identify a component they find. They can verify what it is by cross-referencing the out-of-game number on the item tag with a component list.

The character may also identify the race of a character by examining them. This will not allow a character to identify a character from across a field or during combat for it is necessary to do a close examination of the creature to determine what type it is. The character need not be dead, just unresisting. They can, for example, tell what kind of troll they are examining, but not what skills or careers they might know. Without this skill, the character might know he has dissected a troll’s blood, but not what kind of troll he is dissecting. If a character wants to know if the brain of the fallen character is a necromancer’s brain, they would first have to dissect the brain then spend another minute in-game identifying the brain. A character cannot take a sample of un-dissected blood and tell whether the character is a Druid, Mage, Healer, or whatever. They can do so after dissecting the blood.

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